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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  May 12, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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but deeper inside the encampment something else was uncovered -- a large bone. this creek canyon, it soon became apparent, had been well-traveled by both creatures great and small. >> it's an animal, some mammal. >> reporter: but there was another bone at a creek crossing. searchers had already passed it by when our producer noticed it lying there.encampment, something else was uncovered, a large bone. this creek canyon, it soon became apparent was well traveled by creatures great and small. >> it's an animal. >> there was another bone at a creek crossing. searchers already passed it by when our producer noticed it lying there. cow bone, probably. and yet -- >> i'm going to come have ian check it out. >> it does look like a thigh bone. ian, come take a look at this. >> there are bones around, which is interesting. >> it's big.
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>> it's pretty big, huh. >> a really big ball. >> looking at a bone from a large mammal. >> tag it and do a more thorough search here just in case, then we'll get somebody to get the gear. >> do you think you can scamper up to that piece of rebar and tie a piece of pink ribbon on it? >> the bone has tagged, sent to a lab. yes, it was from the leg of a large mammal. in this case, a human. coming up, while michelle's friends and family are searching, police are making discoveries of their own. is one tiny clue a key to the mystery? >> we found an identification card from the nursing school. it was not michelles. >> when "dateline" continues. s lasts through heat. through sweat. coppertone. proven to protect.
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ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? [music playing] it's been months now since michelle le vanished it's been months now since
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michelle le vanished from a hospital parking garage. her family remains hopeful she is alive. police have been tracking her electronic trail, video, audio, text messages, cell phone pings. so many clues that seemed to have picked up signs of michelle. they have also picked up signs of someone else. here again, keith morrison. 49 days after michelle le disappeared, we stumbled over a human bone in the same area her cell phone pinged off a nearby tower. as the searchers scoured the immediate area, they understood it couldn't be her. the bits of clothing weren't right and the bone was bleached by the sun, must have been there a long time. when they looked closely -- >> that's six foot something. it's not a 5'5" female.
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>> appalling. some other poor soul wound up here. but, relief, too, it wasn't michelle. so, the search and the mystery wore on for days, then for weeks. by the middle of august, it all looked to be losing steam. on a typical san francisco summer afternoon, as the fog rolled in, christine and michael brought us up-to-date on the efforts to find michelle. how long has it been now? >> over two months, about 72 days. >> how are you doing, the two of you, with all of this? i mean, how are you holding up? >> it's weird. just trying to stay active and keep the word out and trying to stay positive. >> right. >> it's really, just trying to stay positive is the hardest part. >> the hardest times for me are at night getting many bed saying i hope michelle is in a bed. >> yeah. >> you clearly decided she is
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still alive. >> it's not over. it's not going to be over until we get her home. >> that very evening, they hosted a fund raising event at a nearby restaurant. a few days later, the 85th day of michelle le's disappearance, the san diego family piled into their cars and made the long drive up the coast to launch their eighth search. time faded the posters taped to their cars. the creek bed to be searched seemed far away from any place a body would be dumped or a woman might be held captive. still -- >> her cell phone last pinged there. so, they tracked where her cell phone ended up after she disappeared. it's all around. it's such a huge area. >> it was 100 degrees in the days of summer. it seemed to have impacted turnout as the number of volunteers dwindled. suddenly, the search leader called in a discovery, some female clothing partially buried
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in the sand. >> i'm down by the creek. woman's underwear. almost like light pink, white. >> it is another false lead. so, they pack up. another fruitless day in a case gone cold, or so it seemed to michael and christine. oh, what they did not know. during all those weeks and months which the family had been searching for a living woman, a police murder investigation had been very active indeed. now, in the last days of august, the hayward county inspector, frazier richey was closing in on a very hot target. to understand how he got there, we need to go back, almost to the beginning. it was minutes before midnight, may 28, 2011. 29 hours after michelle le disappeared. richey has gone to pay a midnight visit to michelle's old
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high school friend, giselle. >> how long has she been missing? [ inaudible ] >> i have no idea -- >> since when? >> almost a week now. i told her to stay away from my daughter. >> so, clearly there was animosity between giselle and michelle. they brought giselle down to the police station for a more in-depth conversation. >> i understand, at one point you and michelle were close friends, right? >> considered her my sister. >> then, what happened? >> she made a mistake. scott made a mistake. >> and that -- was that when you were with scott or had you broken up? >> no, we were still together. they made the mistake twice. >> then she told a strange
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story. she was pregnant with her second child. she went to the hayward kaiser hospital for a prenatal check up hours before michelle disappeared. she spotted her old friend at a distance. >> were you surprised to see michelle there? >> yes. >> how did it make you feel when you saw her? >> at first, surprised, then annoyed, then i thought okay. keep your blood pressure down, otherwise, you are going to lose this baby. >> strong feelings. but, gisele, herself, was not so strong. tiny and pregnant. hardly seemed physically capable of overpowering and murdering michelle le, let alone disposing of her body. they sent her home, then got a look inside michelle's car, as we did, much later, when the detective showed it to us.
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nothing had changed. nothing was touched. here the morbid sense we were violating a sad and personal space. this is what inspector richey found, a crime scene. >> once we got the car open, you can see it. there's blood wiped across here. the plastic, on the floor mats. as you can see, there's more droplets or blood dropping down, going straight down pattern. >> police found blood smeared on the floor of the garage where michelle's car had been parked. were you able to make a judgment about what would have happened? >> she was attacked, most likely here, because from the looks of it, she was placed in the backseat. it was a bloody confrontation here, then there's more blood back there that you can see. here, it's been moved around a bit. it's smeared up. there's more than one location. >> clearly, a very violent,
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physical assault. who could have done this? a fresh look at the surveillance tapes may offer a clue. watch what michelle does as she walks to her car. michelle makes a wide, sweeping turn to the left, away from the car, then walks back to the right. a few seconds later, she's gone. what happened? did she see somebody she knew or somebody she didn't want to see? richey felt he may have answered that question when he found, on the passenger's seat of michelle's car, a piece that would fit into a very large puzzle. >> we found an identification card from the samuel merit nursing school michelle was attending. it was not michelle's. there was no reason for that to be there. >> the name and face were visible. richey called the school and was
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told -- >> oh, that's our new instructor that is starting in a week. i could hear in the back of the phone, her id card is gone. it's missing from my desk. >> the card had been stolen. but, by whom? here is the thing about these identity cards. they are actually key cards. this is mine at nbc here. when i'm in the headquarters of 30 rockefeller, it makes an electronic recording of the use of the card at that moment in time and this place. then, of course, being watched by a security camera. in fact, you can't go anywhere in the building without being seen by security cameras. the security team at the nursing school did the same thing. they looked for the record of the key card being used. they pulled up the security video from that moment and that place. voila. there was their thief. >> i had them send me the still
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photographs and when i looked, i immediately identitied it. it was gisele. >> may 26th, one day before michelle le disappeared. so, what else did she do that day? richey got a subpoena for all the school security camera from may 26th. what he saw in those videos was strange and disturbing and moved gisele to the top of the list of person's of interest. coming up, the strange video trail of giselle, the day before michelle disappeared. >> walking around with a lab coat on, pretending to be an instructor. >> weird. >> yeah. >> what was she up to? when "dateline" continues.
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there's no way to hide from potentially deadly heartworm disease. just one mosquito bite can transmit it. so protect your dog with delicious heartgard plus. digestive and neurological side effects have rarely been reported. ask your vet for more information. heartgard plus, the vet's #1 choice
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oh hi sweetie, i just want to show you something. xfinity mobile: find my phone. [ phone rings ] look at you. this tech stuff is easy.
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[ whirring sound ] you want a cookie? it's a drone! i know. find your phone easily with the xfinity voice remote. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. keith morrison: what you're watching is far better than any eyewitness-- what you're seeing what you are watching is far better than any eyewitness.
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you are seeing an exact record of a strange moment in time. this is giselle at michelle le's nursing school the day before michelle vanished. why she was here was a mystery. what she did, that, richey pieced together from giselle's electronic scale. she stole an instructors key card and appeared to test whether it worked by entering this break room. >> at 5:30 in the evening, she gains access through the back door using the electronic key card. >> same swipe card. >> throughout the campus, there' cameras. it shows her walking around with a lab coat on, gsses up, going around, turning on computers. >> weird. >> yeah. >> she can be seen with a class roster stolen from an instructor's office. >> you can see the roster. it has all the students
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photographs on there. it's not just typed. it's photographed so you can see it's a class roster. she's walking around as if she is pretending to be an instructor. she's there an hour and a half or so, then leaves. >> all of this, the night before michelle le disappeared. what was giselle doing? then richey learned, on the morning after michelle disappeared, giselle went to an apple store. sure enough, there shfs on the store security camera. that's her there, the top left of your screen, having one of the employees unlock an iphone. >> she told the apple employee that her daughter had put a code into the phone and locked it. once he unlocked it, the phone started binging and ringing. >> just at that very moment, as cell phone records show,
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michelle le's iphone began pinging on a tower not far from the apple store. now, it's a matter of following the signal, which led to this chuck e. cheese restaurant where the phone turned up, again. >> giselle was seen on a video showing a white iphone. >> remember, this is the day of michelle's disappearance when her friends and family were frantically calling and texting her. look at this. giselle is sending out text messages. at that moment, as records show, michelle's iphone was pinging off a nearby cell tower. to richey, it seemed quite clear, giselle was the one using michelle's phone to send those creepy text messages to worried friends and family and to him. giselle did all this while on a shopping trip with her daughter. >> she is on that phone, roughly the same time she is getting text messages from the
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classmates and family members. then, i sent her a second text message at roughly 3:15 in the afternoon saying this is not a joke, this is the police department. you need to contact me right now. that was the last contact. that's when her phone went off. >> the evidence was -- richey stepped up his surveillance of giselle. >> we placed a tracker on her car. >> why? >> to see if she would take us to a location michelle would possibly be. >> but, that didn't happen. her behavior was suspicious. remember the individual el held a week after, the one attended by giselle's ex-boyfriend, scott? it turns out giselle was there, too, sort of. the tracking device shows her circling the block as michelle's family pleaded for help. later, it showed her driving past scott's house. why? richey was all but sure now
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giselle had something to do with chelle's disappearance. the question now did she have help? >> it was something we had to look at. >> if so, who? >> yeah. dive into her life. who are her friends. who can we talk to that knows giselle? >> richey consulted an alameda county assistance d.a., now district attorney, a guy named butch. butch ford. >> some of my colleagues was, well, who helped her do it. she is a woman. she's pregnant. in order to do this, she had to have help. >> prosecutors had a hard time believing she was capable of killing michelle le, all by herself. >> we encouraged them to make sure they eliminated any possible suspects such as the father of giselle's child. >> that would be scott, the ex-boyfriend, butch is referring to. everybody's antenna went up. in late july, 2011, 63 days of
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michelle's disappearance, as the le family searched the hills for her, richey got a very strange phone call from scott, who sounded out of breath. >> saying he believed he found michelle's phone. i asked him, where did you find michelle's phone? in the backseat of his car. coming up, at first police doubt scott's story. >> have we missed something? is he the other part of this? >> or was he giselle's next victim? >> did you have concern about scott's safety? >> yes. we advised him of that. if it is giselle, you have to be concerned of your life. >> this is your last and final warning. >> when "dateline" continues.
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here is what's happening. the ceo of at&t is apologizing for payments to trump personal
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attorney, michael cohen. in a memo, he called his misjudgment as a result for parting with the top lobbyist in washington. no one was hurt when a ride caught fire in disney. the head of the dragon was fully engulfed before the fire was put out. that's what's happening. now, back to "dateline." it's hard to tell from this video, but the prime suspect in michelle le's disappearance is giselle. she's only 5'2" and was three months pregnant with her second child, which made detectives wonder -- >> is somebody else involved. >> it was a question at the d.a.'s office. >> we have an able bodied woman who disappeared.
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was there more than one person involved? >> whe richey got a call fro giselle's ex-boyfriend claiming to have found michelle's iphone, he was worried. >> i was concerned, had we missed something? is he the other part of it? if he is, why is he finding this and telling us of the evidence? >> that is the key question. why would he admit to incriminating evidence? was he trying to outsmart the cops, to have found the iphone when he had it all along? was he afraid? afraid someone was trying to set him up. that might be why scott shared this document with detectives. this is a temporary restraining order against giselle. in signed declarations, scott and his mother told of how their family was awakened by scott's car alarm. scott went to investigate. >> while he's out front, he hears his mother screaming.
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he goes inside. giselle is inside his house, inside his room tampering with his computer. >> sound familiar? it was the same thing she was doing at the nursing school. when was this before the murder? >> the tuesday. >> there's something else. a piece of evidence you have to see to believe. before the disappearance, giselle threatened him, so alarming he recorded them on his iphone, in case something bad ever happened. this one, in scott's car. their small daughter, sitting in the backseat, listening. you listen closely. you are about to hear the realoreal giselle. >> that's not what you said at all. >> fine. starting from now, we are going to be honest about michelle. do you understand me? whether you sleep with her, share food with her, whether you
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talk to her. you will be honest with me. look at me. you will be honest with me regarding her. otherwise, i will take your life and hers. and you can take that to the grave with you. >> why? >> why? because you lied about her so many times it's hard to believe you can sleep with her. you deserve to die for your lies, as does she and you will, if you do it again. this is your last warning. >> why? >> do you understand me? it's your last and final warning. >> richey listened to giselle's tone from a furious to threatening in less than a minute. >> she was a violent person. >> did you ever have concern about scott's safety? >> yes. we advised scott that. if it is giselle, tough be concerned for your safety as well. >> he might be a target? >> yeah.
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>> it was clear she was fix sated on her old friend, convinced michelle broke up her relationship with scott and, yet, as richey took pains to discover -- >> michelle and scott were nothing more than friends. she had a boyfriend. scott was one of the many friends she had. the only person in this world that seemed to think there was more to it was giselle. >> prosecutor butch ford heard the audio and read the 1500 pages of texts and e-mails scott gave police. >> for the better part of six years, she had an obsession with michelle. her text messages were filled with hatred of michelle and then, towards the last four months or so, they were filled with hatred toward scott, wishing him, wishing his death. they were filled with hate toward the two of them, with blame toward michelle for blaming her relationship and essentially breaking up her family. >> do you think there's truth to that at all?
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>> only from the standpoint that giselle believed it was michelle's fault. so, in terms of responding to that question, the abc has to be yes, there's truth to it. >> from her perspective. >> from giselle's perspective. she had to blame somebody. >> this is a very disturbed vinl. >> yes, there's no question about that. from my perspective, dealing with, in particular murders, my position is they are all screwed up. the normal person doesn't react that way. we have to believe that, right? >> right. >> the normal person does not behave that way. when a person commits a murder, there's something loose in their head, there has to be. >> they know most about the parameters of human nature. he helped raise eight younger siblings, growing up in south central l.a., worked through law school and now is a prosecutor, seeks out sound advice from someone who has seen it all, his
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own grandmother. >> i have dinner every wednesday at my grandmother's house. >> the first female african-american judge in alameda county. >> i don't have a case i haven't run by her in terms of trial presentation and closing arguments. i always run it by her. >> this case was different. the determination to find answers. it was clear, there was still too many questions to take this case to court. >> the theory was that giselle had done something to bring about her demise. it was a question of what and how we prove it. >> in fact, without a body, how could they prove there was a murder at all? coming up, in a strange twist of fate, the mother of amber joins another search for michelle, along with her new dog. >> barking, she jumps up on me
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and takes off again. i follow her and notice it in the ground. >> a dramatic discovery, when "dateline" continues. stop dancing around the pain that's keeping you awake. advil pm gives tossing and turning a rest and silences aches and pains. fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer with advil pm. fall asleep faster, from potentially deadlyer heartworm disease.hide just one mosquito bite can transmit it. so protect your dog with delicious heartgard plus. digestive and neurological side effects have rarely been reported. ask your vet for more information. heartgard plus, the vet's #1 choice
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[church music] ♪ all saints catholic church in hayward, california. hardly the sort of place a detective would get a hot tip in
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a murder case. it was the priest who called the police. talked to frazier richey and told him about a story with an odd encounter with a woman came to him seeking solace. >> outside an office in a patio area. he asked her do you want to go into confession? she said no. that's why he was able to talk to us about. she was wearing a medical-type scrubs, same physical build and characteristics of giselle. she was asking for forgiveness for something she had not yet done. >> wait a minute, she asked for forgiveness for a sin not committed? >> that's the interpretation the priest got. that was 3:00 in the afternoon, the day michelle went missing. >> richey was convinced giselle killed michelle le, but they didn't know how she did it or
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when she did it or where she did it or, more important, what she did with the body. >> if you don't have a body, it makes the case more difficult. >> richey and the other investigators continued the tedious work of building a murder case without a body, ran fingerprints, sent information out for testing. they tested a strand of hair found in michelle's car. it turned out to be giselle's. some of her touched dna on the turn signal, too. since they knew each other, it wasn't enough to make an arrest. they checked giselle's cell phone records, found her phone, like michelle's left a trail in the hours after michelle vanished. what do you know? >> the location michelle's phone went, giselle's phone went. >> as if they were traveling together? >> yes. >> the ease dropping of
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electronics was closing in. she is trying to access the computers the night before michelle's disappearance. the scene at the apple store the day after michelle vanished. getting michelle's iphone unlocked and later using it at the chuck e. cheese. still, it wasn't enough, until the lab results finally came back from evidence seized that first night in giselle's apartment. specifically, from her shoes. those tests uncovered a trace amount of blood, blood that belonged to michelle. only one explanation for that. so, on september 7, 2011, 104 days after michelle le's disappearance. the detective went to michelle's house for a final visit. >> we showed up, waited for her to come out of her house. i pulled up in front with two other investigators, got out of the car.
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she looked at me nonchalantly, what now? you are under arrest. not, for what? it was just a matter of fact she was waiting for it. there was no sign of guilt. there was no sign ofremorse, nothing. just, okay. >> when the news was annnced, michelle's family knew giselle. knew her as one of michelle's closest friends and they were stunned. >> i never suspected her until we knew for sure. >> i didn't think it was her. when giselle was having problems, michelle went to counseling with her. she thought she would always be her friend. no matter what, you will always be my friend. >> now, with giselle's arrest, the le family found themselves in a strange paradox. glad someone was found guilty, but refusing she was dead.
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no body was found, so there was hope they would find her alive. >> i was hoping, without finding her remains, i'm holding out hope, until it was definitive. >> so, 113 days after michelle disappeared, ten days after the arrest, the family mounted yet another search. this time, they were joined by kari, whose daughter was killed in san diego two years earlier. like marc klaas, she formed an organization. she brought her search dog with her, a search dog in training. >> she was acting weird, jumping all over the place, barking. she took off from me and ran. i started running after her. she comes back and jumps up and takes off again. i followed her. she was standing still.
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so, i reached down to put her leash on and noticed twine, rope, sticking out of the ground and bones next to it. >> it was the skeletal remains of a young women, unidentified. michelle's cousin, christine was at the command center. >> i remember the search director, rob dennis took a break and said we'll be right back. he never leaves the search center. he left. i was like oh, something must haveappened. they must have found something. going out and looking at, you know, some random evidence they found. >> then her phone rang. a reporter with a tip from someone in the search party. >> they told me, oh, i heard they found michelle's body, can you comment on that? and, i just started shaking. i told them, we haven't found
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her. but, i knew they did, when i got that call from the reporter, i knew. >> there wasn't confirmation, not yet. the medical examiner had to match up dental records and that, the family was told, could take a few days. >> it might sound dumb now, but i still, i was still really stubborn about it. i just didn't -- there was nothing that could tell me michelle was dead. but, we all stayed in a hotel room. we were just hiding. no one knew where we were. we were in a hotel room for the next few days, then four days later, the hayward police came to our hotel and told us she had been confirmed to be found through dental records. >> at that point, you couldn't pretend anymore? >> yeah. >> after four months, the long and determined search to find
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michelle was over. but, their goal, no matter how remote, was always to bring her home alive. but, she was found dead. it was a blow that took them to their knees. >> that was one of the very few times i think i really let myself cry. part of me was relieved that it's over. ho a majority of me rought her was very angry. and, i don't know, just felt hollow. >> now, there was one thing left to do, make sure michelle got justice. but, that, it turned out, was not going to be so easy. coming up, giselle on trial and her defense strategy surprises everyone. >> i think that if you are going to defend against the indefensible, you have to find a
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better way to have doing it than to vilify the victim. >> would it work? when "dateline" continues.
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keith morrison: in october of 2012, when was giselle esteban went on trial for the murder in october of 2012, when giselle went on trial for the murder of michelle le, prosecutor butch ford suspects he would have his hands full. >> i thought she would fight tooth and nail she didn't do it because she doesn't want her family and kids to know she is responsible for that. >> so, in his opening statement, he laid out a devastating case pointing to premeditated first degree murder. her life was in shambles, said ford. she lost custody of her daughter, her boyfriend left her. she blamed it all on her successful, beautiful friend, michelle and set out to kill one
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of the few people left in the world who tried to be her friend. why did she sneak into the school? to find her new address, maybe to kill her. why she sent the texts to cover up the crime. when she couldn't hide from the cameras, said the prosecutor, the phone, her own electronic trail. the dna in the car confirmed it. the evidence was overwhelming, just no refuting it, said ford. so, the defense didn't even try. instead, they did something unexpected. a surprise. giselle admitted she did it. >> so, you are putting all these building blocks together to show she was responsible. >> yes. >> and she admits it? >> yes. i could not believe she would allow her defense to be, i did it. >> but, there was a reason, said the defense. giselle had been provoked.
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she killed michelle in the heat of passion. michelle, she claimed was a lying schemer who was busy stealing the little giselle had left in life, her family. marc klaas watched from the back of the courtroom and was disgusted. >> i don't think character assassination is a defense. if you are going to defend against the indefensible, you have to find a better way of doing it than to vilify the victim. >> ford was worried. the defense just might work. >> if i come in as a defense lawyer and say we are going to tell you my client did it even though they have the burden of proof, we are going to tell you why it happened. that's the most important thing. >> that's something the d.a. can't tell you. >> exactly. >> and it has an err of credibility. >> thus, not first degree murder? >> yes, involuntary manslaughter, you get out in nine years.
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>> there was another problem. as ford laid out the evidence for the jury, what he couldn't do, and this turned out to be a big hole in the case, was tell the jury how the murder took place. michelle's remains were so decomposed, they couldn't the c death. >> they determined they not only visually examined michelle's remains but also looked for any sort of trauma to her skull and bones of anything of that nature. >> while security cameras recorded just about everything before and after the murder, they didn't capture the crime itself. >> it is my position that the evidence of the crime is supported by a sharp object. a knife, a box cutter, or something like that. i think she snuck up behind her
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and grabbed her by her hair, and attacks her with a small sharp object. everything is kind casing that, but the only person that knows for sure is giselle. >> but she sat passively throughout the trial. >> are they buying this? all of this nonsense that the defense is offering. this is a crime of passion, this wasn't planned? >> michael was in court every day as was kristine, the aunts, and uncles. they all took time to be united for michelle. >> often times in homicide cases no one shows up for the victim. or maybe it's a mother, a father, or some family.
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but every day this was 12 to 20 family members. and knowing that most of them were not from san diego, being present to show everyone that michelle was missed was really touching to me and inspiring in that it made me want to work even harder to ensure that i had done everything that i could to bring about a just result. i mentioned that was the only thing, i would work as hard as i could for the result. >> do you families like that very often? >> on that level, no. >> prosecutor ford did not worry about whether or not they stayed out for a day. even if they stayed out two days. after three days, he started to wonder if he had done enough to debunk the heat of passion
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defense. >> the longest deliberation i ever had was four days, this was four-and-a-half days. >> day five and the jury sends word of a verdict. >> will there be justice for michelle? when "dateline" continues. it. wish we got money back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it. dray, when he was younger, he loved to smile; and we knew he would need braces because his teeth were coming in funny. this is the picture that was on the front page of the newspaper. all you can notice is the braces! then, once he got to michigan ate, he broke the tainer! my bottom teeth, they were really crooked, and i just wasn't getting braces again. then i discovered smiledirectclub. it's easy to just grab it and go and
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i can change it on the road. i did photoshoots with my aligners in and you can't see them. a smile is a first impression, that's why i think having a great smile is so important. it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim. i totally could've... (wife) nope! mr. elliot, what's your wiwifi?ssword? wifi's ordinary. basic. do i look basic? nope! which is why i have xfinity xfi.
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it's super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey! let's basement. and thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it's "daditude". simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. keith morrison: giselle esteban readily admitted she killed her friend michelle le. giselle esteban admitted to killing her friend, but she said it was in the heat of anger. the family sitting in the courtroom, the strategy seemed outrageous.
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after the jury had been out four long days, they all wondered that it worked. >> i wondered if the jury had the same trial they had. >> we were afraid they felt sympathy for her because she is a woman, or has children, i done know. >> on the fifth day, what if they left her off? >> and finally on the fifth day, the jury announced they were ready. there could be no acquittal. the choices were first-degree murder or manslaughter. it could have her back on the street before she is 40. >> i remember our hearts were pounding. we were lined up, we sat down and we saw the jury walk in. a couple, you could tell on their faces that they were
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exhausted. we were all holding hands in the front row and shaking. and you could see pitch with his hands in his head, and then we heard guilty of murder, first. i burst right to tears. it was so indescribable how much relief was there. >> after endless searches, a relent le relentle relentle relentle relentless search for michelle and justice was over. >> nothing made sense, why did it happen to happen to michelle. i think the verdict brought like a sense of someone committed a murder. they will pay for the crime.
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>> just as awful, and the world is going back on texas ax eerks -- axis. >> what did it feel like? >> she said how it michelle's family. i have nothing but respect for that family. they have faith in the process, and i appreciate their faith in me. >> the family, grace, dignity, and everyone that today with her in those dark months. >> they were able to do what a lot of other families are not able to do which is rally around each other in a time of great need. >> mark and kristine help coordinate searches for a
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missing teenager in san jose. it is their way honor michelle, who it seems refuses to leaf them. >> she comes in dreams. it's so real it feels like her. and she won't say a thing. she just gives me a hug or something. i would flip out and say where have you been, we had this huge thing we thought you were gone, and she would laugh. >> but when he and michelle were little, they would beg their mother to tell them the old vietname vietnamese folk tale about the woman that watches over them. >> feel like i was watched over,
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and at the very least, i like to believe that my sister is with other family. that they are together again. i'm craig melvin. >> i'm natalie morales. a sprawling farm with church parents. >> there was no way it was supposed to end like this. >> she took me by the hand and said charlie has been murdered. >> the former church decon and his wife. who would p them dead? >> it doesn


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